
To Our second lesson was to do strobing on the face. Strobing is when you exclusivly use only highlighters and applying it wher the light would naturally hit your face ie down your nose, on your cupids bow and chin, forehead and the brow bone.
Before i started the treatment i made sure that i sterlized the counter and made sure it was up to hygine standards. I then made sure that i set up the counter with all my right make up equipment.
Step 1:
i made sure i cleasned all my clients make up off first before attempting to put any make up off
i then moisturized my clients face with embryolisse lait-creame concentre to use as a primer and give the skin a nice hydrated dewey look.
i then used the products Mac face and body N9 and C7 to mix the two as their was not the corrct colour for her.
i then tested the two colours put together on the corner of her face to test to see weather or not it was correct shade for her. I then had to add a little pea size of n9 to darken it as it wasnt the corrct shade
i then applied the foundation on the face blending it out with a blending brush making sure it was completly blended out
i then decided to use the Mac stobing cream however on darker skins it can use ashy. I then decided to still use it but miniumly.
i applied it down the nose, on the forhead, and where the end of the brow bone and made the shape of a c down too the high cheak bone, on the chip and top of th lip.
i then pressed it in s i didnt want to blend it it as it would loose the texture and also remove some of the foundation.
i then contoured the cheek bones and then added a slight blusher on the cheeks to add more defination to the make-up but still keeping that fresh faced dewey look
i feel that i performed to my best ability and made sure that i following the task. however i feel that i needed to highlight more underneath the brow and aslo i should of made more definaition to the brow. In addition to this also i should of put more highlighter on the forhead aswell. Also next time i should use a gold highlighter as i need that for darker skin as the Mac strobing cream can look very ashy on darker skin tones