how to do a sleek blow dry

In this lesson i learnt how to blow dry. i firstly made sure that i sterlized all my work tops, i then made sure that i laid out the correct equipment for the client.
Step 1
i firstly made sure that i washed the hair with shampoo and rised out
as the hair needs to be dry
i then sectioned the hair into 4 with a tooth pick comb
i then pinned up the 4 sections using a grip clip
i then got a comb and made a small section from the back of one ot the four sections
start at the root of the hair about 6 inches from the sclap
get the brush and use a blow dryer with a nosle on the end, going from the roots till the end of hair shaft butusing the brush inwards
make sure that you dont just leave the blow dryer in one spot but rather that you keep moving it around otherwise yiu will burn the hair
use a hot and cold fixture on the blow dryer to create a warm temperature to blow dry the hair
keep doing the same technique till you reach to the top of the hair
i feel that i completed the task to my best ability but i feel that i didnt blow dry it properly as it was a bit static and i feel that it wasnt as sleek as it could of been. At least for next time i know what to do.