The Perfect Liner

This lesson we learnt how to do a pefect liner with Mac black track. Before i carried out my treatment i then made sure that the worktops were sterlized and that i laid out the right equipment before starting my treatment on the client.
Step 1:
I fistly cleaned off any make up on the clients face
i then moisturized the face
after that i applied the the Mac face and body C7 and C3 as client was agian olive skined and had to mix two shades to get her skin tone
i then tried a bit on the side of her face making sure it was okay before applying all over the face, i then applied all over skin and blended in using a blending brush
after that to set the foundation i put some translucant powder on the t-zone not to get rid of the dwey skin.
i then did a slight contour on the side of the face
after that i again got a orange and brown Mac eyeshadow and mixed them together and applied on the eylid but very lightly. I then really blended it into the crease to get no hasrh lines but a nice contoured eye shadow look, that looked very natural and effortless
Afterwards i then got an Mac Blacktrack eyeliner and then asked client to keep eye open and create the flick and the end of the eye with a Mac angled brush.
I then went back in and drew a line freom the flick going into the begining of the eye
after that i filled in the line that i drew making sure that their was no gaps and it was filled iand and smooth.
As blacktrack dries very quickly i had to do one eye at a time, I then repeted the smae eyliner process to complete the other eye.
i am very happy with this piece of work and i feel that my liner had completley no gaps. I feel that in this lesson i really leart the perfect liner. As i lost work on my phone i had to recreate the look on myself at home