A Glitter lip and false lashes

Today we learnt about a glitter lip with our teacher Holly. Before i carried out the treatment i made sure that the counter was sterlized to high standard. I also made sure that i laid out the right equipment for the traetment.
firstly i did a quick foundation with contour using these techniques and products:
i used mac NC20 and NC30 as she had a slight tan for her skin i then blended it in using my urban decay blending brush
i then used a translucant powder on her face to set the foundation and did not want it to look to matt and also didnt want to use a press podwer as did not want that much coverage i used a powder brush
i then used mac NC50 to contour with along the forehead, under the chin, down thesides of the nose and the cheekbones i used angled brush
after that i went in with my Mac prep and prime bright forcast to hightlight the center of the nose,the center of the forhead, under the eyes and finally on the chin and the cupid bow. i then used a beauty blended for under the eyes, on the nose,chin and the forhead, then a small blending brush for the cupidbow
finally i put the blusher smashbox halo peachy dream to the cheekbones and brushed up to the end of the cheek bone using a blusher brush
i then went on to put the lashes using this technique
i used my thumb applying pressure to pull the lash out of the packet (used red cherry lashes # 218)
i then got the lash and measured it against my clients eye to see whaether it needed to be cut down
i then got a small sizors and cut it down according to my clients eye as it was too long
after thani got a squirt of duo glue and put it on the lid of the lashes and used one of my end of the brushes to dip it and apply along the lash line of the false lashes
i then used my fingers and applied the lash on masking surei left a slight gap at the beginging of the eye as it would be uncomfertable for client
i then then made sure i stuck it as close to the lash line as possible to look realistic
after that i used Mac Black track and applied it on the top of the lash as sometimes it looks like you can tell its a false eyelash i did this suing my urban decay angled brush
i then used the Mac pencil black eyeliner pencil in the water line and the top of the waterline to add a more dark look to the eye
finally i used my Urban decay Big fatty mascara onthe top of the lashes so that alshes and clend in. i aslo pinched the false lash and the clients real lash togther for a better hold and make it look very realistic
the last technique was the glitter lip
i aplied the the lipsick used Mac lip mixers in the colur black that turns into a matt lipstick i used that first to out line the lips and to also fill in lip colour i used a lip brush for this
i then used the water based lip mix and mixed it in the glitter pigment Black 3D from Mac
after that i then used a flat brush to apply it on the lips
making sure that both the lips had even glitter on them
My Evuluation
i had to correct the few mistakes at first as i had over drawn one side of my clients lipsin the corner, so i used a conclear to erase it out and make it look as even as possible. in addition to this my client had sensitive eyes that areprone to crying ehen applying the lashes i had to make sure that i applied a little more than usual glue to hold and aplliedpressure for longer. i aslo had to tell her to close her eyes as her opening them would be harder for her. Even after that i had to get the foundation as her eyes were crying and had rubbed some black underneath her eye and blend it out throughly to remove the black. I liked this task as it was not straight forward and as she had the problems with her eyes it has given me good practice for future. Overall i am happy with my performance.