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Beauty by JJ

this post is about one of my favourite make up artist beauty by jj. She was one of the first people that when my passion for make up came about that i followed her on you tube where she decribed how to apply make up, what products she used and the techiques. She is now a world wide senastion for make-up. I loved the fact that she always knew what was on trend aslo that she got looks from celebrities that everyone wanted to try out and then recreated it making it her own. In addition to this she also simplified it so that the make up virgins like myslef and others ould achieve the look. One thing that i find amazing about her is the fact that she is a self taught make-up artist and she is alaways striving to improve her make up knowledge.

She also gave you the inside of her make up bag and what wer the must haves for a new make up artist and making sure that you knew what was on trend by following different make-up artists and magazines. She has now gone on to working with Charlotte tilbury as promoting theire products and teaching the girls how to do make up. she is also working with diffent hair sellers as she promotes diffeenet weaves for example whitney additionm tpo this she has worked with topshop to bring out her line of fashion

i find her truly insperational that the fact that she has never had no make-up experience she was brave enough to start doing make up videos and show people how to do make-up. You can really tell that over the years her make up skiills have really improved and how that over time with constant progression you can get better and that you can do anyting you want as long as you put your mind to it.

one of my favourite looks from her is the rose gold eye with the kylie jenner hair. i like the fact of how she created the smokes eye going from dark to light with the dark colur on the creaese. i also love the way she had srobed her face in this video and adding a very rose lip but still worked very well with her eyes. I also think showing you how she also dyed her hair this colour but added alot of what colours in make up to avoid with the mermaid haircolour.


all information pictures and video found at

you tube (2015) rose gold eyes, rosy mave lips (accessed 22/11/15)

instagram() (accessed 22/11/15)

you tube (2015) (accessed 22/11/15)


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