Prada spring summer 2013

prada was one of the most prestigious designer brands. know for its luxury itallian fashion specialising in ready to wear leather and fashion accessories right down to perfume. the make up for prada in 2013 was very again for the face it was a very light foundation to make it look natural but still hide all the blemishes. in addition to this they also looked like they hae used just a clear mascara as they wanted to just focus on the Lips. They still kept the natural look by keeping the eyebrows just brushed and maybe just adding a brow gel to keep them looking in order and natural. however they have gone for quite a strong red lip and quite a strong contour which is very unusual for a catwalk look ad it the minimum make up at they like it looking ad natural as possible. the products probably used: mac face and body concelar to hide any blemishes red lipstick bronzer to contour clear eyebrow gel clear mascara The hair that she has is very edgy and has a very textured cut. I feel the hairstyles were very out of the box and not what you would expect to see on a catwalk. the products probably used: bumble and bumble city swept spray to give the hold texture cream to add to the edges to make it look almost rocky contour cream to really bring out the edges if I was to do anything different for this look is the hair I think it should of been slightly wackeier as the make up was very strong I think maybe they should of put the edgy side fringe covering one of the eyes to add more out of the box theme. I'm terms of make up I think that they killed this looked here, I feel that personally I couldn't alter it as I loved the way they did the make up and that red lip is really on trend so putting that in conserdering this fashion show was in 2013 shoes you a red lip never goes out of fashion. with the clothing contrasts were definitely apparent that year. Narrow white and khaki panels were colour blocked with royal blue, burgundy, green and ivory. Theire was alot of round necks, low cut and polo shirts. Rubber wide strap shoes had the feel from the 70's. Theire was alot of lightweight coats falling just above the knees were either in monochrome or different contrasting shades. They also had the boxy silhouette which was the shape for the prada bags but also on the pockets.

vogue (2013) prada spring summer (accessed 15/11/15)