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Health and safety as a make up artist


In this post i am going to give you the guideliness for following protocal when whorking as a hair and make up artist

Risk assessment: you need to make employess know how and what will happen if the right equipment is not set up properly and the potential risk to others it can cause. Therefore suitable measures should be placed to prevent damage or injury in the workplace.

who does a risk assement: its either the store manager or the lead make-up artist before any treatment is carried out

they should be adequate hair towls and gowns, and if they are being used on the face that are not shared. Also they should not be left lying around

Infections conditions should be made aware to the artist and also the artists should carry out a contra-indications form before carring out treatment



it is important to have good hygine as it is very essential to prevent any cross-contamination of make-up products, also cross infection for example:

first things first you must wash your hands, and been seen to been washing them. Also having a small bottle of disinfectant on your counter would be useful

make up tools must be sterlized, used hygienically and should not be shared

Make up artists should have theire own products

When using products you must not doubble dip the brush

If removing product it should be taken with a clean, sterlized spatula or brush and placed into a container

Brushers and spongers must be cleaned inbetween clients, sterlized with either wipes or


Disposible brushers must be used on cold sores


Barbecide should be used when sterlizing combs and hairbrushers after putting in clients hair

A dust of spary is good for getting out hair in the clippers

Any clips or accessories should be cleaned with sterlizing wipes before putting away


health and safety () (accessed 7/12/15)


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