Freehand lace

This look we has to firstly cover the eyebrow to make it look like it was not theire. The products we used was prick stick first and brushed it on making sure the eyebrow hair was going upwards. I did this because I felt that it would be easier due to the fact that if you don't then they will be alot of product build up and would be harder to cover up. I then waited for it to dry a little and then applied transculant powder and used a beauty blender to even it out. I then applied a little mac nc45 concelar on first to get a nice Base before applying on the full coverage of mac nc50 to get the colour of my skin and make it look flawless. I then added a little more translucent powder to just finish off and make it stay and not looked caked on. Here is the first step of the look: I then started the second process which was to create a design of the lace look. I used mac black track and my eyeliner felt tip pen to get more control with my hand so that I could achieve the design. I based it on swirls as I think lace is quite swirly, I also encorporated hearts to add a bit of a slight design so that it was not just swirls. I then realised the lines were not dark enough so I went over it was mac paint pot to make the lines more defined and have more colour. Here is the finished look I think that overall I carried out the task to my best ability and made sure u followed instructions carefully. I am very happy with the eyebrowsblocking that I did, especially as I had to repete the process as the first time I did attempt the task it looked hideous. However I feel that maybe I could have done a little bit more detail in the pattern and maybe made it look a bit more 3d and have a better lace appearance to it. Otherwise I am very happy with design and If I was to repeat this look again I would make a more detailed pattern.