Gold Leaf

In this lesson we learnt how do do gold leaf inspired look. I firstly sterilised the work table top then laid out all the equipment that I needed to carry out the task. step 1 I firstly used mac studio fix in shade nc30 all over the face to give you more coverage however I really hadon't you blend out with my real techniques blending brush as if not can look too cakey on the skin. I then got some gold leaf but you have to be very careful how to use it as it literally sticks to anything and everything I carefully picked it up using a corner of an edge and placed a little vasaline on the eye and brown before placing to make it hold I then went in with a flat dry brush and gently pressed all over it to get that crackled look and finish After that I went in to do a slight contour just to give body to the face I used smashbox warm matte bronzer but lightly as the colour is very dense I then went in with my mac black track to cover the missing gap of the eye but thick and I also at the ends instead of a flick I did a curved end I then just used mac clear lip gloss to finish the look as the Lips had a clear colour. Evualtion overall I am happy with the way I carried out the task. The only thing I would change is that I could of current out a shape in the hold leaf before applying to make it stand out more. however I am happy with the coverage and the glow it gives her and this piece really suits my client