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Pat McGrath

in this lesson we did pat Mcgarth look. she is a british make up artist known for her creative eye looks. She has been called one of the most influentual make up artist by vogue magazine and other inspirational commentators.

step 1

i firstly got masking tape and placed on the skin and applied it at an angle

aftert that i then use vasaline all over the eye and on the brow

next step i then decided to apply my urban decay naked 1 eyeshadow in toast and all around the crease of the eye and on the eyelid.i then in with my gold from the same pallette i used my crease brush to achive this

i also added some gold glitter mac pigments and pressed on to the ye to create a nicer looking eyelid.

i then used my gold sequins and placed tghem in a pattern on the eye and they stuck on so easily as the vasline was holding them in place

after that i then applied my mac studo fix nc50 all over the face with a stipple brush

and then used the lip pencil spice by mac and lined my lips and filled in and it looked lovely

i then used a bit of gold to get the last minuite finishing touches


i feel that i carried out this task not very well as i felt that now looking back the eyebow should of been done aswell as it looks silly by having a normal brow. However i am very happy with the the way the the yey came out and the colurs really worked well together and i felt that i did achieve the eye in that aspect.


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