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Evaluation of my African tribal

I am very happy with my head piece that I have made I think it looks very tribal but still has the modern element on it. I have included beads, feathers and peacock feathers to make it look traditional. however I have added a twist on it and includes a mask on top to make it stand out more but still include the masquerade element to it. I feel by adding that it made my mask really stand out but also still look tribal. I also by little feathers in top of each other to make my head piece get height as in Africa they do that so that they can looks more superior as the bigger the headdress the more of a warrior you are. I used a lot of gold as in the alcholi tribe having gold means that your a strong fighter and a true warrior. It was very significant to me that I wanted to do. you own culture as I have never interpreted my own piece and wanted to achieve that. I am very happy with the outcome and wouldn't change it for anything. If I had to maybe I would add some horns to it to make it more detailed and add another tribal element to add a animal part as that is used a lot in tribal pieces. With my outfit I had already had a traditional African dress made but it was not originally to my taste so I wanted to add my own style to it and what I wanted it too look like. I wanted a nice short skirt at the front with a long trail at the back like a wedding dress. But with a bandeau for the top. I then cut the dress into half and then cut the bottom off to make a shorter piece and then hem it back in to still keep the skirt in place. I then got a pattern and cut it into the top I wanted then marked it with marker pen on the outline and then cut around it to fork the top. I then used a sewing machine to sew it together as I was struggling to sew with a needle and thread. Overall i am so happy with the outcome of the skirt and top that I made, and I think It was a good effort what I had done. Now I am going to talk through my tribal make up. I thoroughly enjoyed doing this task and wanted it to be more of an editorial make up rather than a traditional make up. step by step firstly used masking tape on the corners of the eye so that when putting on the eye shadow it would be sharp I then went in with my urban decay pallet number 1. I firstly used the colour gold deposit all over, I then went in the crease with baked and dark horse to get it darker but to show the merge if colour schemes after that I applied the make up Base mac studio fix nc50 and nc30 to get the right shade for my model. I then went back to using my eye shadows recreating the smokey effect under the eye I used the colours that I previous stated in the same order I created that effect using a blending brush After that I used my sequins in gold and stuck them on following the shape I did using when I did the smokey effect under the eye. I decided to uses eyelash glue instead of spirit gum as I feel it's less sticky and easier to use. I then used feathers but did them diagonally to give the illusion that the feathers were coming off a side direction and blending with the head piece I also stuck them on with eyelash glue and they help perfectly I then went in with a strong contour to give it that editorial look using my sleek contour powder in medium After that I then used mac black track to outline the Lips and fill in the colour I then did a line to add give it that tribal finish I then mixed lip gloss and glitter pigments to make the glitter a better consistency I only did this as I did not have the mac mixing medium and applied in the line down the lip Lastly I then used mac gold deposit for a highlight down the nose to create a slimmer nose and shine to the piece Overall I am happy with the make up is feel that it looked like the editorial tribal I was trying to create. I feel that it was my own take of a tribal feel and I wanted to create. I love the fact that i still incorporated the editorial element into this piece of work, as to me i love editorial shoots and dramatic take on make it as i feel it always makes it striking to the attention of others. However I will be changing a few elements to the final piece as I feel that it look lovely for the pictures but on a catwalk it really needs to show. I am going to change my glitter lip and use gems down so it really stands out on the catwalk show also going to add some pigments to highlight a bit more so that it really stands out where the light hits the model face it looks really golden and attracts the viewers attention. If i had to do this task again i would only change the hair element as i feel that was a let down for me and should of added more detail to the hair to make it look like a main more, i think my first attempt of hair was better than on the catwalk show as i changed models at the last moment i should have been prepared more. With the hair on the photoshoot I separated parts of the models hair into different French plaits to give the illusion that it was like a long main at the back, I was happy but have decided to when in the show add extra hair to make it more thicker and to add height as in African culture the more the height the more superior the person is seen.


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